What are Battery Group Numbers?

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The Battery Council International (BCI) sets the standards and specifications for North American automotive and marine battery manufacturers, which are commonly termed as Group Number.

BCI have defined Group Numbers to categorize differences between various batteries. The grouping is based on the physical dimension of a battery to best fit your vehicles. It has nothing to do with the capacity of the batteries.

BCI Group Number determines following physical parameters:

* Maximum Dimension of battery; Length, width and height.

* Voltage of the battery

* Terminal types

* Configuration

Generally automotive manufacturing companies  provide a limited amount of space in the engine compartment to place a battery.

Your vehicle comes with a manual or a battery replacing guide, one should always go through them to understands the vehicle’s requirements. Once you note your vehicle’s battery details, compare it with group number charts by BCI. You will get exact group number of battery. You can ask for same group number while shopping for your battery to get exact battery for your vehicle’s requirement.

How to determine Battery Group Size?

First way to determine battery group size is to look for specifications in the vehicle manual. Battery specifications are generally present in the manual and are easy to get. Note down the specification written in letters and numbers.

The second way is to look directly on your battery (See Figure below). If it is original equipment, you can easily find the Group Number label on top or sides of the battery. Apart from the group number, you can also find other valuable information.

Battery label

If you are still confused about your group size number, you can always seek the advice of an expert. They can be your auto dealer professionals, vehicle service professionals or auto-parts local shopkeepers.

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