Climate Change Conspiracy of the 1980’s

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The information that follows is not new, although we repeat it in case you don’t know the facts. Two U.S. oil companies investigated global warming in the 1980’s. However, they told no one else about their findings.They reasoned the responsibility rested with governments and consumers, according to Project Syndicate. We won’t mention the big names in this climate change conspiracy for they already know…

How Their Climate Change Conspiracy Rolled Out

climate change conspiracy
Average U.S. Temperature Trends: NOAA: U.S. Gov

A number of U.S. oil companies conducted internal assessments in the 1980’s. They wanted to know the planetary consequences of fossil fuel emissions. Company A calculated CO2 would be twice pre-industrial revolution levels by 2060 according to The Guardian.

They thought this would increase global temperatures by about 2°C over eighty years. Company B independently agreed with their assessment, although it thought CO2 would double thirty years earlier. Neither company disputed the link to their products. Company B’s assessment also predicted a one meter sea level rise. But that was not the end of their climate change conspiracy of silence.

Company B Dispassionately Predicted Worse to Come

Company B’s analysts thought the warming could melt the West Antarctic ice sheet. This would precipitate a worldwide rise in sea level of five to six meters and flood entire countries. The changes that followed could be “the greatest in history” they said,

climate change conspiracy
U.S. Precipitation Record (1950 to 2009): NOAA: U.S. Gov

Company A’s report also spoke of “potentially catastrophic events” that could change the American Midwest to desert. Then it added “This problem is not as significant to mankind as a nuclear holocaust or world famine,” according to The Guardian.  We wish this was science fiction but it is not. We understand Company A and B chose not to warn the American public what was coming their way.

They will continue producing fossil fuel as long as we, the people, purchase it. We don’t condemn their role in the climate change conspiracy. That would be pointless. We invite them to become part of the solution.


Three Shades of Climate Denial We All Share

Climate Change Arrived at Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Preview Image: Severe to Extreme Drought in 2014


About Author

I tripped over a shrinking bank balance and fell into the writing gig unintentionally. This was after I escaped the corporate world and searched in vain for ways to become rich on the internet by doing nothing. Despite the fact that writing is no recipe for wealth, I rather enjoy it. I will not deny I am obsessed with it when I have the time. I live in Margate on the Kwazulu-Natal south coast of South Africa. I work from home where I ponder on the future of the planet, and what lies beyond in the great hereafter. Sometimes I step out of my computer into the silent riverine forests, and empty golden beaches for which the area is renowned. Richard

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