Merry Christmas From Our Battery World

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Christmas is upon us, and may it be a good one for families and friends selecting and exchanging gifts together. Many of these presents will have batteries somewhere, especially where there are young kids. We decided to share our experiences in our battery world, to help you get your Christmas shopping right, battery-wise.

Have a few packs of spare batteries in your bottom drawer, just in case you need them on Christmas Day. They could be your solution if a child drains the batteries in a favorite gift, and you need to replace them right away. This raises the question, which type of spare batteries would be best for the occasion?

Remember, All Batteries in Our World Discharge Gradually

The chemicals inside battery cases are active from their moment of manufacture. This applies equally to the ones for sale in stores, and those already packed with new electrical devices. Always check their sell-by-dates, and take note of the environment where you purchase your gifts.

Batteries drain faster on hot days, whether we are storing them, or using them in a device. That’s because the chemicals inside of them react more vigorously when they are warm. We can’t recommend purchasing batteries exposed to the sun all day long. This applies equally to a device complete with batteries in the box.

Which Type of Battery is Best For a Youngster?

The kids in our battery world want batteries that turn on immediately, and stay live for longer. Rechargeable batteries cost more, and take a while to recharge. They are equally likely to be mislaid, and might be unsuitable for little children.

Single use batteries of the alkaline kind work well in low-power devices. That’s because they cost less, and take longer than carbon-zinc ones to run flat. However that said, carbon-zinc batteries deliver more power. Check the description that comes with the device, or use the batteries already installed as a guide.

Think Safe for Kids Exploring Our Battery World

Try your best to avoid purchasing gifts for kids using round penny / button batteries. We keep stumbling over reports of children who thought they were sweets, sucked them, and then swallowed them. We won’t go into the details today, beyond suggesting you avoid giving round, flat batteries to kids.

More Information

Facts About Batteries for Kids

Safer Button Batteries for Little Children

Preview Image: What’s Inside the Boxes?


About Author

I tripped over a shrinking bank balance and fell into the writing gig unintentionally. This was after I escaped the corporate world and searched in vain for ways to become rich on the internet by doing nothing. Despite the fact that writing is no recipe for wealth, I rather enjoy it. I will not deny I am obsessed with it when I have the time. I live in Margate on the Kwazulu-Natal south coast of South Africa. I work from home where I ponder on the future of the planet, and what lies beyond in the great hereafter. Sometimes I step out of my computer into the silent riverine forests, and empty golden beaches for which the area is renowned. Richard

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