Robert Anderson (19th Century Scottish Inventor)

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Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson is known as the inventor of the first crude electric carriage. Born in Scotland, his name became famous during the 19th century when he launched the first ever prototype of electric-powered carriage using non-rechargeable battery (also known as primary cells). Although the exact date is uncertain, the years Robert Anderson did this remarkable breakthrough in the field of science happened sometime in 1832 to 1839.

Concept of a Horseless Carriage

Little is known about Robert Anderson’s life. But what is certain is that he has contributed to the development of electric vehicles. He strapped a battery and a motor onto a carriage. This eliminated the horse as the primary requirement for this centuries-old means of transportation. In a practical sense, what he just invented is a horseless carriage. His idea was groundbreaking, inspiring the inventors who came after him.

Electric Car – Environmentally-Friendly Invention

Primary cells work as a single-use battery. Anderson used crude oil to generate power (in the form of electric current) in the battery he invented. In contrast to the gasoline-powered vehicles, which came later, the crude electric carriage is an absolutely environmentally-friendly. Other inventors during that time used electromagnets (components of electric motors) and batteries to power the electric vehicle. The progress of electric vehicles depends almost entirely on the progress of the battery. It wasn’t until the 1880s and 1890s, several decades after Anderson’s first electric vehicle, and after Faure‘s improvement on the lead acid battery, that electric cars grew in popularity in the United States and Europe. Today, electric and hybrid vehicles are again becoming the focus of scientific research. Read more about the history of electric vehicles here.


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Rechargeable vs. Single-use Batteries

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