Solar wearable battery 

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Many people find it difficult to keep themselves separated from their Smart phones. Soon, you will find solar powered batteries, woven into fabrics, on the market! It will be more convenient to charge your Smartphone and other electronic gadgets anytime. Electronic features woven in fabrics will allow you to operate Smartphone functions in clothes, watches, eyeglasses and other things you wear. Many smart watches are available in the market that are being used successfully. Research is being done in many countries to find more suitable options for solar wearable batteries.

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Polyester fabric can be coated with nickel and then with carbon to make solar wearable batteries. Polyurethane can be used as a binder and a separator. This is a flexible battery that can work regularly even if you fold your fabric several times. Solar cells are used in the battery for charging.

Though lithium rechargeable batteries are available, they are not able to keep pace with the changing technology. The lithium rechargeable batteries have certain limitations. Due to this, only a few people are making use of them.

In the future, you can buy glasses, a watch and even a T-shirt that have an electronic gadget and these can be used for multiple purposes. You need not plug them into a power source. They will work with solar energy. The photovoltaic cells used in fabrics will convert the sun’s energy directly to electricity. People can use solar wearable electronics for long periods of time. The solar cells used in solar wearable batteries are lightweight. The new technology is also being applied for the development of winter clothing as it is of lightweight and is flexible. The best thing about solar wearable electronics is that they are affordable.

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