Circle of Magnetism

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Image Credit: Exploratorium
Image Credit: Exploratorium

A magnetic field is formed when electric current flows through a wire. When 2 wires are placed together and electric current flows around them, they will either attract or repel from each other, depending on the forces within the current.

So in this experiment, we are going to see the magnetic field. The electricity level is minimal; however, it requires the help of an adult because of its minor technicalities.

What you need:

  • 6-volt lantern battery
  • 2 electrical lead wires with clips
  • TinkertoysTM or a wood stand
  • Masking or transparent tape
  • 1 60 cm long and 1.3 cm wide Light aluminum foil

What to do:

First Experiment:

  1. If you do not have a TinkertoysTM, you can create a stand using some woods or whatever is available at home. Please see the image above on how the stand must look like.
  2. Get your 2 electrical lead wires, each must have clips on both ends. Attach one end of your electrical wire A to the negative post and one end of the electrical wire B to the positive post of your  6-volt lantern battery.
  3. Get your light aluminum foil. Make a loop and attach it to the arm of your stand. Make sure that it does not overlap; therefore, one end should be on the right side while the other end should be on the left. Use tape to secure it to the stand.
  4. Now, attach the remaining ends of your 2 lead wires to the aluminum foil’s ends. The loop will create a huge circle because the sides repel. Greater repulsion will occur if the tips of the foils are positioned closer to each other (still should not overlap).

Each wire emits electric current. Since you have attached each end on the two ends of the foil the current flows on opposite directions. When the current flows from different direction, the foil will repel.

Second Experiment:

  1. Now, detach the left end of the foil and attach it to its right end. This will make a good electrical contact.
  2. Attach one wire to the overlapping ends of the foil.
  3. Ensure that the sides of the loop are not stuck to each other. Attach the other wire partially to the bottom part of the loop (just on the little part of the foil). It will be more helpful if your wire is small and light. When properly done, the sides of your loop will attract, however, if your wire is heavy, then the force could tag the foil downwards.

This second experiment must be done carefully so as to not tag the foil because of the weight of the wire. If the wire was attached appropriately, the loop of the foil will attract because of the single flow of electricity coming from the battery.

Related Articles:

What is Electric Current

Barlow’s Wheel: Electricity and Magnetism at Work

What is Electromagnetism

The Difference between Electric Charge and Electric Current

How to Plot the Magnetic Field



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