Climate Battery for a Greenhouse Tunnel

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We came across a company called Eco Systems Design. They are missionaries for climate battery technology, and share it freely. We were so impressed we decided to extend the knowledge chain. Their technology made it to our blog, because it stores energy that it returns later, to the environment it came from.

The Climate Battery Cools and Warms a Greenhouse

The climate battery is also called a subterranean heating and cooling system, or a ground heat exchanger. It uses energy to circulate air with electric fans. These could draw their power from a solar-battery source. This is because they use as much electricity as a single household refrigerator.

The fans send warm air from high up in greenhouse space, through a system of pipes beneath the earth floor. Vapor in the warm air condenses because the earth is cooler. The pipes have multiple small perforations underground. These allow the moisture to reach the roots of greenhouse plants.

This process gently heats the surrounding earth, creating the warm, damp environment plants love most. Eco Systems Design claims the climate battery accumulates five times more solar energy than photovoltaic panels.

When the ambient temperature falls inside the greenhouse at night, the returning air is warmer after passing through the soil. This simple system returns heated, moist air from whence it came, once again the environment that plants love most.

The Art of Fine-Tuning a Climate Battery

We need to strike a balance between circulating air through the pipes in daytime, and at night when it is cooler. During winter, we may not want to cool the greenhouse at all. We may even need to warm it artificially using electricity from the solar batteries. The opposite may apply at the height of summer.

We dress warmly at times to conserve body heat. On other occasions we wear as little clothing as modesty permits. A climate battery is earth’s equivalent of these self same principles: Adjusting our lifestyles to the environment, not stubbornly attempting the other way around.


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Preview Image: Greenhouses

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Reference: FAQ’s About the System

Reference: Climate Battery Calculator


About Author

I tripped over a shrinking bank balance and fell into the writing gig unintentionally. This was after I escaped the corporate world and searched in vain for ways to become rich on the internet by doing nothing. Despite the fact that writing is no recipe for wealth, I rather enjoy it. I will not deny I am obsessed with it when I have the time. I live in Margate on the Kwazulu-Natal south coast of South Africa. I work from home where I ponder on the future of the planet, and what lies beyond in the great hereafter. Sometimes I step out of my computer into the silent riverine forests, and empty golden beaches for which the area is renowned. Richard

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